jueves, 6 de abril de 2017


In Easter time there are very interesting traditions in UK. Easter comes from EOSTER and
its meaning is APRIL.

There are three important days during the week: GOOD FRIDAY, EASTER SUNDAY and EASTER

GOOD FRIDAY: on Good Friday Britain people usually eat HOT CROSS BUNS. They are little
cakes made with raisins. It has got a little sweet cross on the cake.

EASTER SUNDAY: it´s the most important day, Children receive chocolate eggs. On Easter
Sunday people have boiled eggs for breakfast. After this, people exchange their Easter cards.
At lunch time, Britain families have lamb with mint and vegetables and the dessert is
Easter pudding o Simnel cake (fruits cake)

EASTER MONDAY: on Easter Monday, children celebrate the EGGS ROLL, in the Avenham Park
(Preston). Here, the eggs roll by the hillside. You mustn´t miss your egg if you want to be the

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